viernes, 1 de mayo de 2020


Reading page 92.
The 3D express coach
Exercise 1
It runs on electric and solar power and will sabe up to 860 tons of fuel a year.
Exercise 2
1.       The number of cities in china with over a million people
2.       The number of cars, lorries, buses and motorbikes in China
3.       The width of the 3D Express coach in metres
4.       The height of the 3D Express Coach in metres
5.       The number of tons of fuel the 3D express coach will save each year

Exercise 3
2. By the year 2050, the Chinese will drive about a billion vehicles
3. the chinese produce electric bicycles
4. the 3D express coach; it drives over traffic
5. Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment designed the 3D Express coach

Exercise 4.
1.       More passengers can ride on it
2.       It travels at a greater speed
3.       It runs on electricity and solar power so it is more environmentally friendly
Exercise 5
1.       Increase
2.       Disastrous
3.       Replace
4.       Solar power
5.       Speed

Vocabulary page 94
Exercise 1.
Positive: clean up, pick up, protect, recycle, reuse, plant, unplug
Negative. Harm, damages, thorw out, destroy, waste

Exercise 2
1.       Harms and damages
2.       Clean up and pick up
3.       Waste and throw out
4.       Reuse and recycle

Exercise 3
1.       Plant
2.       Throw out
3.       Harm/damage/ destroy
4.       Unplug
5.       Protect

Workbook page 60
Exercise 1
3. b
4. e
5. a
6. f

Exercise 2
1.       You can reuse plastic bags
2.       You can recycle/ throw out rubbish
3.       This sentence is true
4.       You can save energy
5.       This sentence is true
6.       You can plant tres

1.       PICK UP
2.       HARMS
3.       CLEAN UP
4.       RECYCLE
5.       PROTECT

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